Give up brestfeeding??


My milk supply as never been good from day one and my daughter can not latch, when we try she gets fussy and ends up chewing on me rather than sucking but on a bottle she does great. So due to not being able to pump more than 2 ounces a day we were supplementing till my milk came in more. She was fussy and would not make dirty diapers, gassy and would almost scream every bowel movement. My fiance is lactose intolerant so we switched her to lactose sensitivity formula she was making dirty diapers, passing gas without any pain and overall a happy baby. At the two week appointment I told the doctor that we were trying that and for the moment I wasn't breastfeeding, the doctor said she was okay with me using breast milk in a bottle but she wanted me to mix half and half with the lactose free because breast milk is the best for her. When doing so she became constipated again so I stopped giving her breast milk. She's a month old now eating fine and a lot, gaining weight and every dirty diaper looks like what I normally see from every other baby and whenever she is having stomach problems an of prune juice in her bottle cures it right up.

Since then I've still pumped everyday yet is gone down to barely an ounce a day, so I'm thinking of letting it just stop naturally. I've tried diets, teas every tip I can find I just can't produce. She's doing fine with her formula and here soon I'll be going back to work, so if we are doing great with what we are doing is it wrong to give up breastfeeding and breast milk in the bottle for good?