Scared s***less


Excuse the French....

Ok so this is my 3rd baby and will be my 3rd csection. But this pregnancy has been so different and more complicated than my pregnancies with my girls. I have delievered 2 beautiful full term (39 weeks) baby girls (not so much babies anymore 9 and 5) healthy and happy. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few years ago and a blood condition called ITP. During this pregnancy has been a real struggle to eat right, take my insulin ans vitamins, and do everything the doctors said. My OB classified me as high risk due to the health problems but they haven't been an issue until Jan. I'm due 4/24/17, my csection was getting scheduled for 4/17/17 except recent scans and labs had my doctor worried and she sent me to see a special maternal fetal doctor last week who has determined that I need to be delivered sooner than that. My doctor agreed and moved my csection up to 4/5/17. Before this section I have to have a whole series of tests BPP/NST, ton of bloodwork, ekg, and echocardiogram on 4/3/17. Now their plan is to admit me at 6am on 4/5/17. During this time I have to have more bloodwork and a blood transfusion of platelets due to my ITP. This whole process and pregnancy has me scared sooooo much that I can't even focus on my beautiful baby boy coming in 4 days!!!! Help!!!