Healthy/Happy/Fed is BEST!


I'm getting so sad at all the posts where everyone just argues about how they plan to feed their babies, or whether to have med free labor or not, or this and that.

Let's just remind ourselves that as long as your own baby is doing good and you're happy with your plan then you're doing awesome! We can disagree and say nothing. I know sometimes we ask for other opinions to help us decide, but if they don't ask, please try not to lecture. We get enough outsider opinions as it is when it comes to pregnancy and parenting. Let's all just be kind to one another, mother to mother, parent to parent 😊

Healthy parent/baby is best

Happy parent/baby is best

And a baby that's been fed? BEST!!

*UPDATE* I understand the nutritional perks of breastfeeding, and how it differs from formula feeding. But if mom and baby are having a hard time breastfeeding, physically or because of other reasons, or simply just choose not to, that's okay as long as baby gets fed. A baby that is fed is best.