symptoms at 32+2

Kelley • Pregnant with Baby #3! Due October 2021 🍁🍂☺️
Curious what you guys think -- 
My pregnancy has gone really well for the most part thus far, but things have really started to shift for me in the last few days and I'm a little worried these symptoms could indicate the beginning of pre-term labor. I am 32 w, 2 days and I have been having new/persistent lower back aches and periodic (irregular/inconsisent) sharp pains in my pelvic region which I think are contractions, but since I'm a FTM, I don't know for sure if they are. Baby was measuring *really* big at 4 lbs 9 oz at the 30 wk appointment, and he feels really, really low already. I am fairly certain he has already dropped.  I also have what I think is sciatica (sp?) -- sharp shooting pains down my lower back into my butt and thighs.  Does all this seem normal enough for this stage?