Been TTC for about a yr now with no luck. Had two early miscarriages in 2015, with no living children. I'm 2 days late for my period (i know thats not a large amount of time) but it does bring the possibility of "maybe' to mind. The thing is I'm scared to take a test! I know as soon as i do its gonna bring reality with it. Either a
bfp or a bpn. An knowing my luck ill test get a
bfn an then right after my period will arrive like a smack in the face. An if by chance its bfp the thought of another miscarriage sinks in an I'm terrified of that happening again. I want to know but i don't in a sense. I'm just scared its like I'm holding the test an pleading with myself trying to weigh out the pros an cons, an can't come to a clear answer.. Any advice, tips, thoughts, honestly anything at this point could help...