
My daughter eats 3meals a day and is breastfed to sleep. She eats when she goes down for a nap at 1030 maybe a small one at 1500 at bedtime 1900, sometimes wakes up at 2200, and always at 0200 to eat. We get up between 5-6 to start our day. My dr has told me she doesn't need to nurse that much but it's so hard to get her to sleep without the boob! I know she can do it because she takes naps  for my husband and at daycare without milk. I want to get her on a sippy cup but I just feel like I don't have time to pump. My husband is having major back problems so he has been out of work. We have 3 daughters. The oldest has a different mom, whom was just charged with 2felonys and is out on bond. She has 2 younger children that will move in with us when she goes to jail. With 5 children living here we finally talked my mother in law into letting us clean her stuff out of the basement. I got her stuff moved out and found mold. then when I removed the wall I found our foundation is crumbling. Called contractor who didn't show up. I work at a daycare and run my own cleaning business. Between school, dance, volleyball, taekwondo, killer ocd and an infant, I don't sleep..... I feel shitty because I cannot do everything that needs to be done. My husband literally broke his back working and now I'm going break. I want to get my daughter off the boob but I need help!!!!!!!