fetal diagnosis of spina bifida?

Donna • *2/10/04 *4/17/05 *3/6/07 *12/23/10 *6/18/14 ****#6 arriving 8/2017
At 19w1day I had a anatomy ultrasound with my high risk fetal medicine Doctor. After the ultrasound was over he said that they couldn't see the sacrum (bottom part of the spine) on the US. The doctor also asked if I had had the Down syndrome screening done, I told him "yes, at 17 weeks and everything was within normal limits". He simply stated that they were concerned about the spine and wanted to get another US in 4 weeks (3weeks from today) to get some clearer shots of the lower spine and facial features. I haven't been too overly worried about it consciously until I woke this morning after having the same dream repeated over and over last night. I dreamt that I had another ultrasound and diagnosed my son with Spina Bifida. So I've been up since 5:50am this morning plagued with anxiety. I know that no matter what happens, I will love and cherish my son just the same, and maybe even a little more. And on top of it all, the doctor asked about the Down syndrome screen and wants clear US of my sons face again, so I'm wondering did he see something that concerns him there too? I'm just a ball of nerves. I have exactly 3 weeks before our next repeat US at 23weeks, I'm going to love him no matter what, but it's the "not knowing" that is the hard part. Once I know, then I can begin to prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally. I'm simply just asking for some prayers for peace of mind. Thank you mamas.