So stressed out

So today, my boyfriend and I went to our weekly appt to check on baby and everything went good. There's a little cafe in the building where we go to see the doc and we always stop by and grab a bite to eat once the appt is over. So as we're waiting for the food at the cafe, he asked me to take a pic of him (because he dresssed up for work today) and I took several. So he takes my phone so that he can send himself the pics and he sees a number in my phone that I used to have saved as "my baby." The contact is no longer stored, just the number but about 4 years ago I saved the number as "my baby." But somehow he typed in "my" and my exes number came up and idk why because it's not even stored in my phone. Clearly the number is an ex of mine that I haven't talked to in years. I've had the same number for about 9 years and I rarely ever delete numbers. I may block them, but I don't delete them. Idk why, I just don't. So my boyfriend sees that "my baby" popped up and he gets upset with me and is no longer talking to me. I have told him the truth about who it was and explained that I haven't talked to my ex in about 4 years. We've been together for three years. But now he's not talking to me and he thinks that I'm cheating when I'm not. First off, I have this big ass belly that I'm walking around with and I would never ever cheat on my boyfriend especially not while I'm pregnant. I just moved into his home with my other children but now idk. I feel like I haven't made the right decision because if we can't even have a civilized conversation about something then idk. He really believes that I'm cheating on him and that's the hurtful part. I'm really not. I've never ever cheated on anyone in my life. I just don't know guys. He's really tuning me out and I just don't want a damaged relationship over nothing. Idk. I just needed to vent because I'm really emotional and upset right now. Thanks for listening guys