Just a little bit of a vent

My little one rolls over onto his stomach and then whines when it's time for bed. He can easily roll back and forth, and this wouldn't be an issue if he would go to sleep on his stomach. Instead he rolls around and pushes himself all over, which turns into crying and yelling. I end up going in there every few minutes to put him back on his back. Or will stand there watching him when he rolls onto his side to make sure he doesn't roll further.
This has been made worse by the fact he won't eat more than 2-3oz at a time when he's awake because he tries to twist over while eating. So I end up feeding him at night and he wakes up and takes a bit to go back down.
And while he's on the changing table.
And wherever I put him down.
I remember when he discovered he could flip over from his tummy and I couldn't keep him on his tummy. 
I think he is teething again too, but we can't find any teeth poking through, he already has both his bottom ones and we had similar issues when the first one came through. He's also drooling up a storm, chewing everything, and pulling on his ear.
I'm pretty sure once the tooth pokes through he will feel better and sleep better. He was sleeping like a champ before this all hit. He made a flawless transition from our room to his and was sleeping good chunks at a time. But oh my word this is frustrating,
I just wanted to vent to other mamas, see if anyone else's little one is having the same issues.