Any nurses/practitioners? BP question

So, I've had a fairly consistent BP 60/120 for my first trimester and 70ish/120 for the second & most of my third trimester. I went in today for my 37 week appointment & when the CNA was doing my vitals before the midwife came in & it was 94/143 😳 I have a head cold and was a little out of breath so we sat and talked for a little bit because she wanted to take it again. She took it again and it was still pretty high 85/135. She took it a third time after I'd talked to my doctor and it was still 80/135. That is high right? Could it be because I'm feeling sick or does you BP just go up towards the end of your pregnancy? Am I worrying for no reason? 🤔 my midwife wasn't worried about checking for protein in my urine....even though I was kinda hoping she would lol because now I've spent hours trying to figure out what this increase means