am i selfish?

So my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years and have a 20 month old and another one the way. Our relationship has had lots of ups and downs but we are very happy together and I see our relationship lasting forever. He works and I stay home to take care of our toddler, so he supports us financially and I couldnt be any more grateful for that. My only problem is that he is not romantic what so ever. The only time hes ever done anything romantic is when I said I wanted flowers one day when we first got together. I always go out my way all the time to do things for him, especially on special occasions like his birthday, valentines day, etc. Am i selfish for feeling like I should be spoiled a little bit more? I dont mean constantly buying me things like presents but like does it hurt to go out and buy me chocolate or flowers, or even just run me a bath when im feeling sore (which is 3/4 of the time). We dont even really have sex anymore and when we do its for his pleasure... so that definitely doesnt make things any better I love him but UGH where is all this romance and love people talk about. 😒 Anyone elses SO not romantic at all?