
So me and my boyfriend have been dating for 2 years now before we started dating he was talking to another girl . We started going out and one day he went behind my back to see her and I found out . I asked him why did he go see her, and he said because she wanted to know if I was talking to you ,while I was talking to her . Note that It had been like 3 or 4 months that we had already been dating . I told him why would that matter to her if he was with me not with her . He later on tells me I should be grateful for him talking to her . Then on new years of last year he left me to go smoke with her and her friends . He also made me sit in front of her once when we went out to go eat with a couple of his friends. On our way there we were both wearing heels and she was like I'm tire so there goes my boyfriend giving his shoes to her. I asked him to stop speaking to her and he still talks to her until this day . I got upset once because he was talking to her about his plans and what he wanted to do in life. That got me really upset like I'm his girlfriend not her. So it goes on it's like every time they talk she talks to him in a disturbing matter . Like she be telling him that she doesn't wear bras or underwear and how their kids would come out mix. I told him to stop speaking to her because I didn't like him talking to her and I didn't want to see him around her . And it seems like he didn't even care about what I said. So he told me he would talking to her. and on Sunday I saw a message between them and she was telling him how his dog was their kid and what not . He then asked to go see her and for her to buy her food . Am I wrong to get upset over this ??? He says I'm obssed with her and what not . Right now I don't know what to think or do anymore because it's been 2 years now and we've been dealing with the same thing. I've asked him multiple times to stop talking to her and he doesn't . I've asked him that if he's friends are with her for him not to go hang out with them but he says that ,he will not stop talking to his friends and I have no right to tell him who he can or can not talk too . It's been 2 years and I kinda don't want to throw those 2 years away but at this point I don't know what to do anymore ..