My fiance got a girls number the day he proposed??

Okay I need honest opinions ladies. So let me explain. Okay so my bf proposed the day of our baby shower. He went out after at night with his friends who came in from our hometown. Long story short my phone broke two days later and I needed to use his phone. I type in my friends name to let her know my phone was broken and a name pops up from his contacts and attached to the name is the place he met her the night of my shower. I flip immediately. He then shows his phone and says that he got the number for his friend who he texted the number to a few minutes later (i saw the text to his friend). THEN I saw he had texted the girl. He says that it was bc his friend complained on the phone she had never texted him. He showed me the call between them. So he texted her for him asking why she hadnt contacted his friend which was timed a few minutes after the call to his friend. But i couldnt see the message where he asked it i only saw her response was "working" and my bfs response was "my fault" To prove it to me he texted his friend and asked if the girl had ever contacted him. But I didnt see him typing so im thinking what if he asked his friend to say that. His response was "nah". What do you ladies think?