yeast infection 😭😖

So after a normal papsmear I was told very nonchalantly I had a yeast infection and needed to get on monstat and yea! lol I assumed she said it so matter factly because they're extremely common. HOWEVER in my 26 years I never had one, anddddd I didn't even have any symptoms that I had one! No itching, no cottage cheesy cm, no burning,  nothing outside of the regular. So I was weirded out and just did the 3 day monistat and she said that'll be fine. It's no big deal. Now I'm wonder, how will I know if it comes back!? Like I didn't even know I had one the first time if it wasn't for the pap. Any tips on how to tell if you have yeast infection? Anyone else not have symptoms when they do get it? What are your symptoms like if different than the ones I mentioned? I want to make sure I always handle it if it happens again and what to look for! Any insight is much appreciated. I did call back the next day and ask more questions so I could treat it properly. Just wondering your experiences!