Irregular Pap Test & a possible biopsy ??

So I had my regular check up last month before I knew we were pregnant. My doctor just called and said my Pap came back irregular and they want to do a biopsy. I reminded them I am pregnant so they said they'd fax the results to my OB. 
I'm kinda freaking out because at my exam with the OB this week he asked me if my dr had done a Pap and I said yes. He asked if I was sure. 
I'm 37. My last child was 12 years ago. Last summer I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. 
My OB hasn't gotten the faxed results yet, but told me that I shouldn't worry. That a woman can have abnormal cells at times throughout her life. So I'm just waiting...
Please someone tell me that they've been through this and it will be okay. Please.