
I was in a rough spot when I got pregnant, so I live with grandparents who are out of town a lot of time. But I'm being induced today at 37 weeks exactly, and my grandma told my biological mother who landed my brother and I in foster care when he was 3 and I was 6 because of her meth usage with continued for years(there's recent charges as far as 2016) now my problem is before I totally stopped talking to her she asked me to pay for her pain killer medication because she went over the allotted amount after her foot surgery, but she never once contributed anything to our lives except landing us in foster care where we were sexually abused for 9 months. And after asking me to pay for her medication I blocked her on everything, and told everyone I didn't want to associate myself with her. Today my grandma told her that I was in labor and she called the birthing center acting like I had dropped the whole grudge against her... like really? Because I'm having my baby. No go fuck yourself.. sorry for the language, but how would you react to a situation like this? I told the birthing center to not allow her to call, and I told my grandma I didn't want to talk to her