feeling so sick!

Hi Ladies!
I have been feeling so sick the past week! I am about 6 weeks along. I haven't gotten sick at all but the nausea and cramps are CONSTANT. I haven't moved from the couch all week. Thankfully I am on spring break (I teach first grade) but head back to school on Monday. I'm so worried about how I am going to get through the day! Any suggestions? I started taking diclegis a couple days ago and it has helped some. I tried to be productive today so I went to Lowes to pick out some flowers for our garden. Couldn't even do that! I felt like I was gagging the whole time. I'm just so miserable. I know I need to eat but nothing is appealing. The idea of going back to work feeling like this is terrifying. Just looking for some encouragement or ideas. 
Thanks for listening to me ramble!