how do you know if you miscarried?!

I'm 6 weeks & 3 days. I have had lots of cramping since before my test came back positive and cramping intermittently all the days since then. About 5 days ago I had terrible cramping. Bordered on unbearable. But I also really had to pee and we were stuck in the car. (I'm no stranger to UTI's and other bladder issues). I rested, had some more painful cramps the next day but they weren't as bad as the day before. I have had no bleeding. At all. Not even a tinge. I still have the same cramps I've always had, plus some nausea (morning sickness), fatigue, and I still feel pregnant. I might have gone to the doctor except I'm out of the country and while I should be covered I was nervous if I was or not. 
So no bleeding or obvious miscarriage, plus I still have symptoms and feel pregnant. Am I???