low fetal HR (in the 60s)

I'm needing help, I should've been 8 weeks last week when I had an ultra sound. Baby was measuring 6w 3days.
Technician didn't say much but 2 days later I saw my midwife, she told me about the heart rate and said I will most likely miscarry. I got hcg levels checked that day and they were 28,000. Will get them done again on Tuesday. I'm honestly not holding out any hope and I'm just waiting for things to take its course. Anyone else been in the same boat and how long did it take before you actually lost the baby. I'm so ill and I'm ready for things to be over tbh. 😖
UPDATE: incase there is anyone looking for an answer or follow up. I couldn't find anything when I was looking, well I ended up muscarrying. Started with spotting then over 4 days it became heavier. Hcg starting slowing down on serial hcg. On the 5th day the bleeding became out of control and I was hospitalised and taken for emergency surgery to remove the remaining tissue/baby and it hadn't come away so was an incomplete miscarriage.