

Is there a form of depression that can set it before baby is born?

Like pre post partum??

Idk, I'm extremely sad, its gorgeous today, its Easter Sunday, its 89° sun shining people are out and doing things and all i want to do is lay on my bed and fight the urge to ugly cry.

I have 39 Days left until my due date and i just wish it would hurry up. I feel like the only thing that will make me feel better will br having my baby here with me.

I feel like im going thru all of this bs with monitoring ny glucose and having so many appointments and classes to take, severe constipation, irritability, mood swings and Its literally for nothing. I dont feel pretty, i dont feel happy, idk what i feel. My partner feels that nothing pleases me or makes me happy so his answer is "idk what else u want from me".

Im just worried that when baby comes i will feel the same, and that makes me feel guilt on top of everything else.