worst best Easter 🐣

So we find out on Thursday the gender of our baby if the plan works out out. We are at 20w4d! We are so excited!! Hoping for abou but we will be happy with either:)!!! Wish us luck. Plus I couldn't be more happy with my fiancé, even though we couldn't afford anything but pb sandwichs for eater and we were alone we still had each other, and were very happy. I finally got a job and my fiancé had a job interview this week!:) the hardest part is that we tend to have a rough time and being at odds with each other is hard to avoid but we are learning to love each other and pull closer instead. He is funny and goofy and as you can see loves my boobs 🤣😬🙄but he makes my day. And coming home to him after work is the best. 💕💜😍😘😋