so over it

I don't need anyone telling me what's best for me or my baby I just want to vent because no one else listens. 
First of all I've had sciatica since 33 weeks I can't even go to the store without people staring at the way I walk or rushing over to me everytime I sit down for a two minute break! The pain is so bad I can't lay on my left side I can only just about get up and down the stairs. My husband works long hours every day and it's a struggle to get simple house chores done. 
Every single day all day I have acid in my throat I can not deal with this shit anymore! I've tried everything nothing works! I wake up with a mouth full of acid every time. 
EVERYONE is telling me how 'huge' I am when I don't think I am. Everyone's trying to give me advice and the people who don't even have kids are the worst ones!! 
I'm 37 weeks this Saturday and I've got everything ready and I'm more than ready to get this over with! So my question is... is there anything I can do to get things moving after Saturday. Bare in mind I can hardly do anything as it is because I can't walk so don't tell me 'baby will come when he's ready' I KNOW THAT! Just don't waste your time I've heard it all before! I'm just wondering are there any teas or foods or anything I can try?? 37 weeks is full term and I'm not forcing anything to happen by trying a piece of food or something so small so please don't go on about it that's not what I asked for