Need a dildo? Don't have one? Here is a DIY dildo !

I made a dildo and it felt so fucking real😈

All you need is :

1. Plastic Wrap (the ones in the kitchen)

2. Toilet paper

3. A condom

Take a sheet of plastic wrap and lay it down flat.

Take amounts of toilet paper, wet it and make a "penis" shaped object :P

Pros: The more paper you take the longer you decide to have your dildo.

You decide your own length of your dildo!

Make sure to make the head bigger than the penis. That way you wil get the ultimate realistic feel.

Next roll the plastic over the wet penis object you've just made and then take 3 small pieces of tape just to hold down the wrap so it doesn't open up back.

Then make a loop at the end of it and cutt of the extra plastic since its not necessary.

Next take a condom and put it over your dildo!

The water, paper and condom will get warm after its inserted in you and trust me it feels like a real duigh!

Have fun !😘