Anyone able to help? Edd dating


I havent had an early dating scan as I was severely ill for a few weeks and finally able to function now and walk properly and look decent.

I got my last period on Jan 21st the bleeding was like a normal period for 7 days then it was more so spotting brownish/blackish until i noticed nothing about Feb 1st. So in all i was wearing liners for 12 days...

I was on holiday for a wedding on Feb 10th and I noticed the egg white cm so had sex with my bf that night but he didnt finish as we were both drunk and too stuffed but had fun anyway... so technically this was 8 days after my period had ended. .. we did have sex numerous days leading up to the egg white cm.

Fast forward to the 24th feb i got a positive test, very faint but it was there and did a digital to confirm it. So that was 10 days after i had ovulated based on my opinion anyway.

My doc is going from my LMP putting me as 12 weeks 4 days, Im trying to get an ultrasound to confirm it though but theres abit of wait where im from as only one place available in my town, plus only certain days i can do it as well as partner works and need him to look after our very full on 2 year old boy who i wouldnt dare take with me to the ultrasound.

Anyone have a similar experience? Based on the dates given roughly where would i be at in the first trimester, i know it wont be accurate but any advise would be good. I tried to work it out myself but the different calculators on google have given me a sore head.

* the digital test on feb 24th said 1-2 weeks*

Vvvvvfl on feb 23rd as well.