Dr causes alarm... more testing needed

My husband and I went yesterday for our baby's anatomy scan and it was wonderful. We already have two boys and found out we are going to be blessed with a girl.... then the dr came in and took the wind out of our sails.. "your baby has a few abnormalities" 
One being two calcium deposits in the heart. Which in and of itself apparently isn't a huge deal and may resolve on its own but since baby has another issue I will require further testing.
Secondly baby has bilateral renal dilation. The ureters are not flushing out well enough what the kidneys are making causing problems with excretion. Dr also said kidneys are last system to form and this may also work itself out. 
Dr requested I immediately have blood drawn for quad screen and also go to the city to see a fetal medicine specialist and have another more advanced ultrasound done and testing for Down syndrome as these indications are soft markers for it. If no Down syndrome baby may require surgeries after birth.
Not knowing is very difficult for me and my husband is so upset just hoping she is healthy. 
Has anyone had any experience with this?