Retail Work and Family Life

I know I'm letting my hormones and emotions get the best of me right now, but I'm really having a hard time with the fact that I will have to continue to work and do not have the means to stay home after having my son. I will of course get maternity leave, but after that I'll be going back to work in my full time retail job. The hours are not the same every day so some days I open and some days I close. The days I close are what bother me the most. I won't be able to even put my son to bed and spend such important quality time with him. I've been working on getting promoted for the last couple years and this promotion has a possibility of making my hours a little more regular, but I'm worried that now that I'm pregnant my chances of getting the promotion in the near future are slim even though they really shouldn't be. I don't know, I just guess I need some other ladies that have been here and understand how I'm feeling or can offer up some support. My husband is very supportive, but I'd love to hear from someone who's been where I am.