I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore.

October Momma • 22 year old happily married mother of boy girl twins, Emma and Alden, born 10/11/17😊
I'm not saying I want to go into labor early. I'm just ready for October to be here. I always wanted to be pregnant and I thought I would enjoy being pregnant. I really did until I started seeing doctors. Now each appointment I'm told I could lose baby #2 and only have a singleton pregnancy. I pray and pray in beteeen each visit to see and hear that second heartbeat. Each time so far I have. I'm only 12 weeks and still they tell me to be prepared. Baby #2 is a week behind and because of that they think I'll lose it. The thing is, when I first went in at 6 week 1 day, there was only a second sac. One baby in one sac and a second sac but they couldn't see the baby. Every time I feel confident that everything is going well and they will tell me I no longer have to worry but each time I go in I just get told to keep worrying. I just want both of my babies here and safe with me! I don't want to keep worrying that each appointment will be a crushing one...