My story

It's really crazy..
My baby's father and I met when I was 18, he was 21 (going on 22 that September).. I am now 19, he's 22. Anyways, when I met him I was in a relationship with someone else so I didn't bother to get involved with another guy. We never really just hung out because I respected my relationship so much, but the guy I was dating didn't respect me nor our relationship. He cheated back to back, (yes I took him back cause I really did love him).. but I got so tired of him cheating, I decided to talk to another guy (my baby's dad).. that lasted for a week or two. The guy I "loved" had no idea I was messing around with someone else. So, I ended up having sex with him and getting pregnant. When I found out, I did nothing but cry. I couldn't explain to the guy I thought I loved that I was pregnant by someone else. He found out eventually cause he noticed I was acting strange. When he found out, he use to threaten to hit me in my stomach, threaten to leave me and shit. (I was with this guy for 2 years and him saying that blew my mind).. I didn't wanna lose him so I thought abortion was the best thing to keep him around. Fast forward to 2 months after that, he cheated again and again. We broke up like always, then made up. December 25,2016 (yes, Christmas), I received some horrible news. An older woman (21) told me that she was laying beside my boyfriend. I didn't wanna believe it cause he said he'd never do that to me. I was young and dumb and believed that lie. She sent me pictures and videos and I was so heartbroken. They've had sex, he told me he was working but was with her. She had been at his house since December 21 until January 9. He still was having sex with her and trying to get me back. I didn't wanna go through the hurt anymore, so I decided to hit back up my baby's dad. He was my shoulder to cry on, he listened to me. He became my best friend. Our relationship grew and grew.... (I'm stupid for this) but once she left his house, he finally wanted to act right for about 3 weeks then he was back to his fuckboy shit. I gave up after that, and I moved onto a MAN. The same man I use to curve and ignore turned out to be the best thing that's happened to me and happens to be my best friend. Eventually, I became pregnant (earlier this year).. nobody but my family knew but somehow, my ex found out and he was threatening to kill me and my family if I don't get an abortion. He's a lame. I ignored him and his bad, ignorant habits and moved on with my life. Now, I'm expecting my little one 11/13/17 😍💜