Implantation Cramping, Ladies?

Any of you ladies had the most intense pulling feeling in the lower abdomen area, below the bellybutton, from what you assume was implantation? I'm 10dpo & been feeling these tugging sensations since the night of 8dpo after I had this quick, sharp pain in my uterus (my little eggy burying?) along with an achy ovary every now and then. It's not like period cramps because mine are horrible, it's just more of this tight, pulling feeling. A different feeling.... Any input? Any ladies had this & a bfp?

Loads of symptoms, but my biggest are my cm is still thick & creamy, usually scant so close to AF. appetite increase. & gagging???. heart burn/ burpy. as well as the temp spike after ovulation, then I experienced a huge dip (implantation dip?) & now it's rising back up.