37+5 peed myself. 😑

Sooo. It's almost 1 am. I can't sleep bc I'm freaking out about my appt tomorrow and whether or not they'll induce me. So I just decided to finish up what laundry I had left to do, because I won't be doing it after he's here. And as I'm loading the washer, I felt like I had to pee. I put it off, thinking I could make it til I got it loaded. Wrong. I loaded the washer and picked up the laundry detergent and as soon as I picked it up, I peed myself. I couldn't stop it. I'm so embarrassed even tho I'm home alone. It wasn't enough to puddle in the floor, but it was enough to make me feel like a freaking child. 😳😳 first time this has ever happened to me. Any similar stories?