Give me some feedback on this 😊

Honestly, I hate to see woman making it out like you are crazy for not wanting your man to watch porn. You're not crazy. Our generation has normalized porn to the point of no return, it's crazy. I've asked this same question, I cought my boyfriend watching porn and was told by friend "oh it's no big deal, every guy does it" like yeah I get that but to me, it's a respect thing. Like why is it okay for a man in a committed relationship to jack-off and fantasize about a porn star/other woman? I get that it's a visual thing but really hello you have a beautiful girl at home waiting for you. I sat my boyfriend down and told him hey I'm not comfortable with you watching porn and that was the end of it. So please don't let other people make you feel crazy asking you "why is it such a big deal??" It's personal preference. If your fine with your significant other watching porn then fine but don't shame people who find it disrespectful and don't like it. Okay that's the end of my rant 😊