Bottles and food

My LO is 11mos and will pretty much eat everything. I give him what we are having for dinner usually or if we eat fast food he gets avacado and a mix of whatever else I can come up with. He eats alot of the food pouches still too which I don't mind because he isn't too keen on eating steamed veggies so he gets veggie servings mostly from those. He eats 3 meals a day and eats a ton but he is still drinking four 8oz bottles each day. He literally screams if he doesn't get his bottles within a half hour or so of his routine. He drinks water from a sippy but won't take his formula from the sippy. I know weaning from a bottle can take some time for some kiddos but I'm a little concerned about making the switch to regular milk in the next month or so. Anyone chose to go with a toddler "formula" instead of regular milk? He shows no interest in reducing the number of bottle feeds he has each day and I feel like regular milk just doesn't have what he needs. Am I overthinking this? Even though he'll be a year soon he still is a baby and doesn't seem quite ready to get all nutrition from food alone.