is labor coming soon?

Okay so with my first pregnancy I had some braxton hicks randomly here and there for the last several weeks but this pregnancy has been way different. 
I have had them here and there for several weeks now. On Saturday night I couldn't sleep more than an hour because they hurt so bad but they were inconsistent and not labor. But I was having them pretty often (at least a few every hour) for almost 2 days then they stopped. Sunday morning I went to L&D just to be safe (I also thought my water might have broken but it was just a lot of discharge I guess. Which has still been happening all week).  While on the monitors, my braxton hicks were registering on the monitors. They were short and inconsistent but they registered. I have heard that typically they don't even register unless they are getting closer to being the real deal. 
I've had a couple braxton hicks here and there since Sunday and then yesterday (Thursday) it got more intense. I had 3 that were strong and 30 minutes apart. Not strong enough to make me catch my breath or cripple in pain, but strong enough to keep me from doing anything productive. Then I had 3 that were 10 minutes apart. The next hour or so they varried from 7-10 minutes apart. Then I had 3 that were only 4.5-5 minutes apart. I was sure this was the real deal. Several hours of consistent contractions at a high intensity and then all of the sudden they just stopped. I've had maybe 1-2 an hour here and there but nothing labor like or very strong since then. But all night long and now this morning (Friday) I've had a constant moderate cramping. 
I will be 36 weeks on Sunday. Baby is moving and active. 
My first was breach and born via csection so I didn't experience active labor with him or even early labor really (my water broke and they started surgery before contractions got too intense) so I'm not really sure what it's like. 
It just seems like this is a lot of contracting for labor not to be near even though I technically have 4 weeks left. Stories? Advise?