If you can please help

Hannah 💜 • mom &ED nurse. used Glow to get my little Miss Lemon ! our house is now even

My sister had her son last night at 36.2 weeks because of preeclampsia and Hellp. He was unable to breathe on his own, is now on a ventilator in the NICU. They also have him on a cooling schedule to keep his brain from swelling because of encephalopathy. He was born pink, last night he just started moving on his own a bit, and the respiratory therapist said he's trying to breathe on his own as well. I'm hoping those small improvements keep happening, the next few days are crucial.

I'm 8 months myself and an RN so I know just enough to try and keep calm for my family, we just lost my older brother to a car accident in February. This has been awful.

I hesitate to put his story on here because I know how scary it can be for mommies to be.. He just really needs some prayers and positive thoughts headed his way.

His name is Elliott. 💜💜💜