Are you crunchy or silky?

Christina • Xavier's mommy 💙
I'll explain the difference but I really love to see the difference between mamas on glow. 
Crunchy means you're into more natural birthing plans and parenting. It includes home births, delayed cord clamping, placenta encapsulation, breast feeding, baby led weaning, baby wearing, cloth diapering, elimination communication, co-sleeping, bed sharing, anti-circumcision, natural medicine, organic eating, and basically anything else that falls under those lines. 
Silky means you're into more modern parenting. It includes stuff like medicated hospital births, formula feeding, disposable diapers, pro-circumcision, more stroller/car seat use instead of baby wearing and is more into modern medicine. It also involves sleep training methods like crying it out and relying on modern products for convenience. 
Scrunchy is somewhere in between, meaning you use equal parenting techniques from both crunchy and silky. 

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