bf question

They say to pump every 2 hours to increase milk supply but what if you're barely making anything everytime you pump?? It's okay and I still pump every 2 hours anyway? Lol I feel dumb when I pump every 2 hours and barely anything comes out cause it's such frequent pumps
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Pump every 2-3 hours at 20 minutes a session. Continue to pump 1-2 minutes after milk flow has stopped but keep the full session under 30 minutes. Keep up your calorie intake and drink lots of water.


👮T • Apr 29, 2017
no problem!


Joanna • Apr 29, 2017
Ahhh you're amazing ty so much


👮T • Apr 29, 2017
The suction should be comfortable and not painful. The speed should be fast in the beginning to start the flow of milk. once your milk starts flowing slow the speed down. This replicates how baby nurses.


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Keep pumping honey 


Mr • Apr 29, 2017
Your milk is supply and demand the first 1 week ur breast milk colostrum which is good for your baby and may not seem like a lot... but 3 oz is enough milk for your little one if that is all your getting out also massage your breast before you feed or pump to help let down your milk...


Joanna • Apr 29, 2017
2 weeks


Mr • Apr 29, 2017
How old is your little one!?