I just have to vent.

Alexa • Micah Tyler born 08/31/17 💙
I'm 23 weeks pregnant and this week I've been suffering from a horrible sinus infection and cough etc. It's brutal. I haven't physically been able to do anything but lay in bed and not sleep bc of the pain. But I've also been sooooo low on groceries and medicine this week I have completely run out of everything. I thought i would feel better enough today to go out and finally get more. Instead I woke up with a horrible cough that made me vomit extremely hard afterwards so I decided not to go to church or anything. My husband went because he plays in the worship band. So I knew I'd be suffering at home without food or meds for a few hours. Well finally when I was expecting him to be home he called and said he was gonna go out to eat with his parents and hang out with them for a while (even though we just did that yesterday with them). So I started bawling which made me cough horribly and he still went with them anyway but offered to go to Wal-Mart for me afterwards. In my head it still upset me having to wait another 2 hours for relief. I killed time until he was done and once he was finally almost done he sent me a long complaining text bitching about doing things for me and how he was expecting to just run in somewhere and get me a couple things and how he was inconvenienced etc. I seriously am so fed up. He did this the other night when I needed medicine really bad too. He bitched about it and told me how nice it was of him etc. Now I'm even more hurt and pissed off because he got home a while ago with my stuff and just immediately went to play video games instead of even greeting me or telling me he's home. Why do men seriously act like it's fucking impossible to do something for their wives when they need it? I'm growing his son and I've had a horrible pregnancy so far and he just doesn't even give a shit about what I go through everyday. I haven't been sick like this in years and I'm not used to feeling helpless so guess what I need help right now. But he's so insensitive and acts like it breaks his back to help me or care for me in my time of need. Just venting but damn. I'm so angry and I don't even have the energy to fight about it.