Ttc and obese...


I have recently been so determined to lose weight. I am just barely over 300lbs....(I know it's huge) well my motivation is that me and my husband are TTC. We were trying allot but now not so much as I am not ovulating like I should be. My Dr put me on clomid for 3 months and it only worked one of the three months. The second month I didn't even get a surge and the third month he upped it and I got a surge but no peak and didn't ovulate. So I gave up on that for now.... Now I am currently dieting and been three days now with dieting and minor exercise. I have so far lost 7 pounds in 3 days..... When obese that is normal to lose it that fast. I know with losing it fast there is a big chance of gaining it back but I'm going to make this a life style change so when I get to my goal weight I keep it off. I currently set my goal at losing 60 lbs and then when I get there I will set another goal. Until I end where I truly want to be.

I know I'm just rambling but I needed to speak about this and btw I'm very proud of myself on those 7 lbs. :)