movement *scared*

I'm 29+1 since week 13 I have felt my baby move. Consistently since 17w even with an anterior placenta. He's moved so much daily and had such strong movement my entire stomach will visibly move with a shirt and hoodie on. I'm scared because Friday afternoon was the last time I felt him. I've had stars shooting stabbing pains down my stomach through my vagina. I AM CALLING THE DOCTOR FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. I was just wondering if anyone has had similar experiences where you feel so much movement every day then nothing for such a long time span. My first baby didn't move much but she had a routine. He's always moved a ton almost constantly there have been absolutely no movements since Friday afternoon. My labor and delivery is still not allowing children that's why I didn't go in over the weekend and at this point in pregnancy you have to go to labor and delivery. Last time I went they literally made my daughter sit outside in the hospital lobby with security but still I was panicked the entire time. I'm really scared that I may have lost my baby I'm hoping someone has had a similar experience and can tell me if it turned out all good. I know not every pregnancy is the same and no one here can tell me that my baby is ok. I'd just like to hear a happy outcome for some peace of mind as I try to sleep again. Thank you in advance 
Thank you 3 I appreciate your responses. I did what was suggested with the cold sugary drinks, on my left side. I did not feel movement until I was in the hospital as soon as the monitors were strapped on her went NUTS! He really hates that thing, he looks perfect. I guess he just wanted a nice quiet weekend.