Boyfriend and the friend


My boyfriend lives in the city, which is approximately 2 hours away from the university where I'm taking up a degree in engineering. That being said, I'll be out of here in 4 years (assuming calculus is passable on the first take). My boyfriend has shown consistent effort to drive up and see me on the weekends. Often times, I stay over at his place for the weekend; however, problem is that there's a friend of mine that I've been spending an awful amount if time with.

This friend of mine is quite recent and I met him upon joining an organization and we just clicked. We talk mostly about movies and the like, we mostly get along because of our similar sense of humor and the fact that we both grew up elsewhere. But other than that I barely feel connected to him, emotionally. Of course I understand that my boyfriend would be uncomfortable with the idea of me having lunch and dinner occasionally or almost everyday with this new friend of mine, but I mostly do have meals with him simply because I don't have too many friends. I barely get along with much people at the university because I didn't grow up in this country and this is a state university so there is a huge language barrier.

I can speak the language but certainly certain phrases and attributes don't translate. So long story short, my dilemma is: should I stop hanging out with this other guy? My boyfriend trusts me, but in order to reassure him I've opted to meet with my friend less, but my friend's started to notice...did I do the right thing? What should i do?