PCOS & infertility


I have PCOS. My period is late. I'm so incredibly nauseous I can hardly get out of bed and I'm having a ton of symptoms women have in early pregnancy but I took a pregnancy test and of course it's negative. I just want to me a Mom & my body is mocking me at this point. And before anyone says "why don't you just adopt", we are in the homestudy process. We will be parents one way or another eventually. It just sucks to get your hopes up because your body is sending all the right signals to only get let down. I can't believe I was stupid enough to let myself have hopes up. As if I needed another reason to feel like crap on mother's day. 3 lost babies and none for me to hold. 😭

Sorry to vent but I run a support group for women with infertility and so I have to be the strong one that helps hundreds of ladies through their rough time and occasionally I need support too.