Cysts- am I in danger?

Why do I keep getting cysts on my down there area?? I had one on my left side for a long time. About this time last year I noticed it, but at that time I didn't know what it was, and I didn't even go get seen about it until this past October. I went in and they told me it was a cyst, so I got some medication and steroid shots for it. It went away, but it's still purple and looks like a large scar tissue. I believe in February I got another one. This time on my right side. It was more painful but it only lasted maybe a week..and it was the time around my period, but went away when I was through. Now this month, I just noticed what looks like maybe one starting ?? On my right side again but much further up and over than before. Why is this? Could it be something else? Dangerous?