to whoever it may concern

hello. white person speaking. i've seen a lot going around (not on this app is specific but just in general) about a lot of hate for white people as a whole. and i would just like to say a few things. 
yes. there are white assholes. there are TOTAL white assholes, and i'm so incredibly sorry if you've run into them - especially the racist ones.
however, please don't apply their actions to the rest of us. just because they're seemingly heartless and ignorant doesn't mean the rest of us are. 
just like there are bad POC, there are bad white people too. there's bad apples everywhere. but please don't forget that there's good too. 
it sucks to see an entire race hated because people have only ever chosen to remember their experiences with bigots and apply it to the rest of the race. i promise you darlings, we are not all like that. if we were, i would hate our race too. 
moral of the story, don't take individual's actions and apply it to the whole group. it's really sad to see all the hate move from just that one individual to their entire race. 
and this goes both ways i'm sure, however i can't speak on behalf of POC so i'll save that for someone else to cover. 
with nothing but love,
a fellow white person ❤️