forced to go to church?

Ladies I'm having a issue with my daughters father. We have been in and out of court for the past three years trying to get custody settled and it's constantly issue after issue with him. He's the type it's his way or no way. And the past year he has not let me see her once. We finally went to court again yesterday and not even 4 hours after we finally came to a agreement he text me saying " before  any of y'all start seeing cambree y'all need to get into church " let me say this I have no problem with him and his wife taking her to church, but me and my husband both aren't very religious and don't feel like we should be forced into it. 
( he got temp custody when she was 11 months due to me not having the proper household for her due to my mom being a drug addict and my own drug issues. But I completed the dfcs routine and a 10 month out patient rehab )