Mucus plug & water

Today at 9 am I was at work and I felt 4 small gushes of fluid that shown threw my scrub pants. I couldn't get to the bathroom quickly due to being with a patient but 5 mins later I was able to check my undies only to find clear/milky white watery discharge in my panties. I thought is this my water? But it stopped. Now at 7 pm I go to the bathroom and wipe and find part of my mucus plug on the toilet paper. It's only clear and snotty/gelatin like. So I figured it's part of it. But no blood. I'm 39+2 so could this be him trying to come soon? My doctor wants to induce Sunday night but I don't want to if he can come naturally on his own soon.

I haven't dilated yet, but after these incidents today I am wondering if it really was my water. Has this happened to anyone else?