Lolita (the novel)

Bri • Mommy of a 6 year old with a new addition on the way
Can we just discuss this book for a second like..... 
this was my book clubs pick if the month im a little over half way done and I'm pretty disturbed. I really don't even see the appeal of it even without the pedo angle. To me there just seems to be no real plot or story line but I'm just the type who has to finish a book once I start it. spoiler... for anybody who hasn't read it it's about a man who is a pedo because his first love died when he was a child and now he likes young girls because they remind him of her... I'm talking between 9- 13  and the narrator is in his late twentys. Any way he meets a 12 year old, Lolita, and falls in love with her because she is identical to his lost love. He then marrys her mother to stay close to the twelve year old. Shortly after her mother dies in an accident and he runs away with the girl traveling the country pretending to be her father when they're really lovers.... anybody read this book? What are your thoughts on it? Don't spoil the end please lol