Clinical Trial?

So today at my 36 weeks appointment my doctor informed me that she chose me to participate in a clinical trial (of course if I wanted to) the research is trying to decide if a baby is healthier born at 39 to 39 1/2 weeks or past their due date. So if I choose to do this I will be randomly selected at 38 weeks to either be induced early or have to wait until 5 days past my due date to be induced unless I naturally go into labor on my own. Of course if something were to happen to me or baby before hand the clinical trial is out the window and they would go ahead with the safest way to deliver baby. Although it would be awesome to be able to tell my daughter that we were a part of something that could possibly change the way doctors look at pregnant and gestational age at birth I have some reservations. We have lost 2 babies and I've always been terrified to go past my due date in fear something would happen to her! My doctor has agreed that she would induce if my body were ready. Today my score was a 3 and it has to be an 8 to be eligible for induction at 39 weeks! I'm .5 centimeters dialated, 60% effaced and baby is at station -3. I've talked to my husband and he thinks we should wait until after my 37 weeks appointment next Wednesday to make a final decision.. I have until 38 weeks to make up my mind. The plan is if I progress enough to be able to say yes I will be able to be induced we will decide against the trial but if I don't progress we will go ahead (keeping in mind I still have a 50% chance of being induced anyway) 
My anxiety is my problem. I thought I had my birth in my head or how I thought it would possible go and now I have been thrown a curve ball 😔 i just want to do what's best for our baby girl.
Any opinions would be very very welcome! I have a week and a half to decide whether we want to participate or not! Thanks in Advance!