Is it okay to call in sick on Friday, if I work Saturday and Sunday?

Annika • Witch🌜Gamer 🎮 Ravenclaw 💙
I feel like shit. My depression is kicking my ass. I'm at work right now and I just keep randomly bursting into tears, right in front of customers. It's embarrassing and I can't stop it. My head hurts - I've had a mild migraine for the last 3 days. I just don't feel good. I really regret not calling in today - but I'm here now so I'm going to just push through. 
I know it's usually not okay to call in sick on mondays and fridays because it borders the weekend - but I work weekends. (Wednesday - Sunday). So do you guys think it's reasonable for me to call in sick on Friday? Since I plan on coming in on Saturday? 
Other info: I have not used a sick day in at least 5-6 months. I rarely call in. 
My workplace is usually very short handed. It's often difficult to find someone to cover (a lot of the time my boss can't find anyone so we either end up having to close early, or someone else gets stuck with a 12 hour shift) - which is the main reason why I feel so guilty for even thinking about it 😭 I don't want to make my boss's day more difficult even though I am really REALLY not okay right now. 
I know I'm overthinking this way too much. I just feel like an asshole. 😖

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