About to pop and no car

Sierra • Sierra Wilson
Anyone have experience with taking their baby home from the hospital without a car? My car and my husband's car both just crapped out on us and we can't get them fixed until next month. I don't even know how we'll get to the hospital at this point. I guess we'll get an Uber or Lyft home? Maybe a family member? Although idk what family member. I'm having a lot of anxiety in general and today finding out that not just one of our cars isnt running but now both has made my anxiety go through the roof. I cried over it like a big baby earlier. I literally took it personally like the universe was out to get me lol. I'm so emotional. I've calmed down quite a bit now. I know things could be worse and I just gotta remind myself of what I do have and what I'm thankful for. It's just a lil frustrating because I imagined being able to take our baby home in our car. So yeah I was just wondering if anyone else has had any experience with a situation like this or similar. It would help a lot to hear it.