PSA: this is the Internet

This is the internet. Not a building you can walk into where only certain people are invited.
people complain about how this app isn't managed enough, what do you expect the administration to do? Stick their heads through someone's phone or computer and tell them "you can't sit with us" 🙄🙄
When it comes to age like teen girls, they can easily lie about their age. You can't control that. If someone's being an asshole, report and email glow about them and move on.  They will send you an email back eventually letting you know how they handled it. You can also mute people. 
This isn't a safe place, it's not a place with only women. There are men on here, some are keeping up with their partners cycles and some hide behind the name of a woman.  This is the World Wide Web, period/fertility tracking or not. Anyone from anywhere can see it. Anything you post on the internet stays on the internet even if you delete the post. Not to mention screen shots. I will say it again, THIS IS NOT A SAFE PLACE AWAY FROM INTERNET CREEPS. THERE IS NO MAGICAL FORCE FEILD AROUND THIS COMMUNITY THAT PREVENTS That. Okay have a nice day.